Caring for Silk Lingerie

Caring for silk lingerie requires special attention to ensure the delicate fabric remains in good condition. Here’s how to properly care for your silk underwear:

Handling and Wear

Handle caring for silk lingerie delicately, avoiding rough clothing and accessories that could damage the fabric. Rotate between multiple pairs to prevent excessive wear on a single pair.


Preferably hand wash silk lingerie using cold water and mild detergent for delicate fabrics. Gently agitate and rinse.


Rotate between multiple pairs of silk underwear to prevent excessive wear on a single pair.


Press out excess water by rolling the underwear in a towel, then reshape and air dry away from direct sunlight.


If needed, use a low-heat iron with a pressing cloth to lightly iron silk underwear.

If necessary, you can lightly iron silk underwear on a low-heat setting. Use a pressing cloth or a towel between the iron and the fabric to prevent direct contact.


Store silk underwear in a cool, dry place, and avoid overcrowding the storage area.


Avoid using bleach, harsh detergents, and fabric softeners, as they can damage the silk fibers and affect their natural luster.

Stain Removal

Promptly address stains by blotting gently with a clean, damp cloth. If you notice a stain, attend to it promptly. Blot the stain gently with a clean, damp cloth. Avoid rubbing, as it can spread the stain.

Professional Care

For delicate or intricate pieces, consider professional dry cleaning.

If you’re uncertain about washing your silk underwear yourself, or if the garment has intricate details, it’s best to take it to a professional dry cleaner experienced in handling silk.

Remember, silk is a delicate fabric, so gentle care is crucial to maintaining its beauty and longevity. Following these steps will help keep your silk underwear looking luxurious and feeling comfortable over time.

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